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About me.


Hi, I'm Ray!

As a kid, I dreamed of creating video games, literally drawing imaginary game levels instead of listening to the teacher.

It is only in 2019 (after putting an end to my IT carreer and trying other jobs) that I decided to get familiar with modern game engines on my spare time, to see what could come out (maybe some cute little app). I settled on trying the Godot game engine, and Wow! In no time, I started creating a game and was very excited about that. Soon I was dreaming about this ambitious game project, and my wonderful wife pushed me in that direction.

As I was struggling to make some time for the game (having a full time day job), things went very slowly. It progressed slowly for a while, then was sadly on hold for a few years. In the last 2 years, I have been able to work more often on the game, and here we are.

Trickery of the wizard is my first game. To be released... almost 5 years after starting the project.

I really hope that you will enjoy this game. It was truly a “long haul” for me, and I put everything I got into it. If the game has any success, I would like to quit all other activities and work full-time on other games. That would be my dream coming true.

Thanks so much for your support!

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Retro gaming. Mobile gameplay.

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